women’s tops based oncolor analysis
The color that suits you and
changes your impression!Recommended women’s tops
based on
color analysis
"I can’t figure out which colors look good on me!" Have you had the experience like that?
Personal color analysis can help you bring out the best in your appearance based on your natural skin and eye color.
In this issue we introduce the best tops for yellow-based and blue-based skin undertone!
Find the item that suits you and enjoy Fall and winter fashion!
First, find your Personal Color!
Let us help you analyzing whether you are blue-based or yellow-based skin undertone with a few simple questions.
Answer the following questions to find the best item for you!
How does your skin react to sunlight when exposed?
Easy to get sunburned and turn red
When tanned, skin color turns bronze easily
Which piece of jewelry do you think suit you better?
Silver or platinum jewelry
Gold or bronze jewelry
Which color do you think is closer to the color of your veins on the inside of your wrist?
Veins look blue or purple
Veins look greenish
Personal Color analysis
If you have more A than B
skin undertone (cool undertone) -
People who have blue-based skin look good with items in cold colors. Blue, purple, burgundy and white are the colors that compliment your skin!
If you have more B than A
skin undertone (warm undertone) -
People who have yellow-based skin look good with items in warm colors. Vibrant, bright colors palette such as orange, beige or soft pastels are the colors to wear for your skin tone!
- Product stock is constantly changing. We apologize in advance if the product is sold out.
- Prices shown are fixed, please check with the store or official online store when making purchases.