Social Media Policy

In order to ensure the satisfaction of its customers, AOKI Inc. (hereinafter “the Company”) has formulated this social media policy (hereinafter “this Policy”) to clarify the rules and etiquette of the Company when using or transmitting information through social media. This Policy shall be applied to all customers who use the Company’s official social media accounts (hereinafter “Official Accounts”). The Official Accounts of the Company are listed below.

Official Accounts

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • WeChat

I. Basic Policy

The Official Accounts shall be used to publish information about the Company.
The Company understands and recognizes that any information once published cannot be completely erased from the Internet.
The Company understands and recognizes that social media are Internet-based applications, and that they may therefore be accessed by an unspecified number of users.
The Company shall endeavor to publish information in good faith.

II. Disclaimers

  • 1.The Company shall not bear responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of information published on Official Accounts by parties outside of the AOKI Group.
  • 2.With the exception of cases where liability is attributable to the Company, the Company shall not bear responsibility for any damage incurred by a customer due to the customer having used an Official Account, or for any damage incurred due to a dispute between a customer and a third party.
  • 3.As a general rule, the Company shall not respond to inquiries or comments, etc., regarding posts published by the AOKI Group.
  • 4.Official Accounts are administered by their respective social media operators; as such, the Company is unable to respond to inquiries regarding system operation status or to technical questions, etc.
  • 5.Please note that any information published on social media is current as of the time of publishing, and is subject to subsequent change.
  • 6.The Company, at its own discretion, may end or suspend its operation of an Official Account without notifying users in advance.

III. Deletion of Content

As a general rule, the Company shall not delete posts or comments made on Official Accounts. Please note, however, that the Company may find it necessary to delete posts or comments, in cases where they contain content such as that described below.

  • 1.Content that is, or is suspected of being, contrary to public order and morals
  • 2.Content that is, or is suspected of being, connected to unlawful acts or criminal acts
  • 3.Content that causes, or that the Company adjudges may cause, nuisance, disadvantage, or damage
  • 4.Content that infringes on intellectual property rights (copyright, trademark rights, etc.), image rights, or privacy
  • 5.Content that impersonates another person
  • 6.Acts that constitute a violation of the terms of use of the relevant social media
  • 7.Content that discriminates, slanders, or infringes on the privacy or human rights, etc., of a third party
  • 8.Content that the Company deems to be inappropriate, including obscene expressions, etc.
  • 9.Content that constitutes political activities, election activities, and religious activities
  • 10.Content that harms the reputation or creditability of the Company
  • 11.Acts in which information provided by the Company is used or duplicated beyond the scope of personal use
  • 12.Content that is clearly incendiary or meaningless (empty posts, strings of meaningless characters, continuous posting of the same content, etc.)
  • 13.Suicide or murder notes
  • 14.Content that includes harmful programs and scripts, etc., or acts of spamming
  • 15.Other information that the Company deems to be inappropriate for the operation of Official Accounts

IV. Changes to this Policy

The Company may change this Policy without prior notice. Any such change shall enter into effect at the time it is published on this page.

V. Handling of Personal Information

The Company shall manage any content on its Official Accounts that includes personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

VI. Intellectual Property Rights

When a customer publishes information on Official Accounts, the customer shall be understood to have granted the Company license to use free of charge on Official Accounts all copyrights, image rights, and other intellectual property rights relating to this information.

VII. Inquiries

Please make inquiries via the Inquiry Form below.