Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

President and Representative Director Hirotaka Mori

AOKI Inc. ("AOKI" hereinafter) recognizes the importance of personal information, complies with the laws and regulations, guidelines set forth by the national government, and other standards concerning personal information, and strictly manages personal information as set forth below.

  • 1. In order to conduct collection, usage, and supply of personal information that is appropriate in light of the nature and scale of AOKI's business activities, AOKI maintains and complies with internal rules.
  • 2. AOKI clearly states the usage purpose when collecting personal information, handles personal information within a scope necessary for achieving the specific usage purpose, and takes measures to ensure personal information is not used outside of that purpose.
  • 3. AOKI prevents and rectifies the leakage, loss, damage, etc. of personal information.
  • 4. AOKI maintains a framework for receiving claims and inquiries about the handling of personal information, and provides prompt response.
  • 5. AOKI continually improves its management system and framework concerning personal information protection.

Please direct inquiries concerning our Personal Information Protection Policy to the Inquiries link on the AOKI website (

Personal information handling.

*When China's Personal Information Protection Law applies to the handling of customer personal information by AOKI, please read this as well.

I. Usage purposes of personal information

AOKI uses personal information and information on the status of transactions with AOKI for the following purposes.

  • 1. Customer personal information
    •For crime prevention and business activities of AOKI and AOKI group companies ("AOKI Group" hereinafter) concerning shop sales, online sales, service supply, etc.
    •For AOKI Group product delivery, catalogue and promotional mail delivery, and the notification of information concerning related after-service, new products and services, etc.
    •To conduct, as a part of the overall AOKI Group business activities, marketing, sales promotion, product and service planning, and the analysis and research of such, as well as product purchasing analysis.
    •As a part of the overall AOKI Group sales support activities, to analyze customer attributes, trends, services, etc. through camera image collection.
    •To provide information on other AOKI Group business activities and on promotions, advertising, various kinds of events, and special offers provided in connection with the products, services, and business of AOKI affiliates, etc.
    •To be used as marketing information, for analysis, editing, and processing to be used as survey statistics information, including questionnaire surveys implemented for the quality improvement of products and services from the AOKI Group and AOKI affiliates, and for survey and statistics reports to other companies, etc.
    •For credit management, collection management, and receivables management concerning transactions with the AOKI Group.
    •To conduct shared use of personal information concerning customers.
    •In addition, for any usage purpose that the AOKI Group announces publicly or notifies personally concerning the collection of personal information.
  • 2. Shareholder personal information
    •For the execution of rights and performance of obligations pursuant to the Companies Act.
    •For the management of shareholders pursuant to various laws and regulations, such as the creation of records.
  • 3. Hiring and recruiting applicant personal information
    •For the communication and information supply to hiring and recruiting applicants, and for other uses necessary for hiring and recruiting.
  • 4. Executive and employee personal information
    •For job related communication, etc. to executives and employees.
    •For the payment of remuneration to executives and employees, performance of human resources and labor management, and providing of welfare benefits.
    •For the health management of executives and employees.
    •To improve and streamline duties through the collection of executive and employee camera images.
  • 5. Personal information in inquiries
    •To respond to inquiries, document requests, and other requests, etc. to AOKI.

II. Supplying personal information to third parties

AOKI does not supply to third parties the personal information AOKI collects without obtaining prior consent of the identifiable person. However, this does not apply in the following cases.

  • 1. When pursuant to law.
  • 2. When necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person, and obtaining the consent of the individual is difficult.
  • 3. When especially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound upbringing of children, and obtaining the consent of the individual is difficult.
  • 4. When necessary to cooperate with the execution of statutory duties by a national or regional governmental body, or an entity commissioned by such, and obtaining the consent of the individual could possibly hinder the execution of those duties.

III. Shared use of personal information

AOKI may share customer personal information as stipulated below.

  • 1. The scope of entities with which information is shared
    •Group companies listed on the AOKI website, etc. (AOKI Group List)
  • 2. Personal data items we share
    •Name, address, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, transaction history information, etc.
  • 3. Usage purposes of shared use
    •Any purpose for which we have obtained consent from the identifiable person at the time of collection and usage purposes publicly disclosed above in I. Usage purposes of personal information.
  • 4. The person responsible for the management of shared personal data
    •President and Representative Director Haruo Tamura
    AOKI Holdings Inc.
    6-56 Kuzugaya, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi 224-8588

IV. Outsourcing personal data handling

Concerning the personal information AOKI collect, AOKI may outsource the following personal data handling duties to processors inside and outside of the AOKI Group within the scope necessary to achieve the usage purposes. In such a case, AOKI appropriately implements safety measures for collected personal information and supervision of the subcontractor.

  • 1. Customer data registration and correction
  • 2. Operation and sending direct messages using social networking services such as LINE, X, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
  • 3. Printing and sending promotional mail, etc.
  • 4. Delivery of and payment processing for online sales products, etc.
  • 5. Additionally, any duties within the scope necessary to achieve usage purposes
  • 6. Contracting payment processors and shippers

V. The optionality of supplying personal information

Concerning the optionality of the identifiable person providing personal information and what happens in the event that the identifiable person decides not to provide that information, supplying personal information to AOKI is optional, but we ask you to be aware that we cannot respond to inquiries, etc., if it is not supplied.

VI. Procedures for personal information disclosure requests, etc.

AOKI maintain the following procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, correction, usage suspension, etc. ("Disclosure, etc." hereinafter) of retained personal data.

  • 1. Where to send requests for Disclosure, etc.
    •Send to the reception address for request forms listed below.
  • 2. Documents, etc. to submit
    A) AOKI designated forms
    Retained personal data disclosure request form
    PDF - Click to download
    Retained personal data correction, etc. request form
    PDF - Click to download
    Retained personal data usage suspension request form
    PDF - Click to download

    B) Identification documents (copies of public documents such as a driver's license or passport)
  • 3. Individuals eligible to request Disclosure, etc.
    A) The person to whom the information belongs
    B) A legal representative if the customer is a minor or adult ward
    C) An agent commissioned by the customer for processing Disclosure, etc. requests
  • 4. How we respond to requests for Disclosure, etc.
    •To issue a request, we ask that you complete the submission document, etc. and send it to us by postal mail.
    •We will respond in writing to the address of the applicant listed on the application. *If you would like to request a response method other than in writing, please contact via the Inquiries link on the AOKI website (
  • 5. Request form reception address
    AOKI Group Contact Center, AOKI Holdings Inc.
    6-56 Kuzugaya, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi 224-8588

VII. Where to direct Inquiries

Please direct inquiries concerning public relations and investor relations as well as complaints or any other kinds of inquiries to the following customer service center.
AOKI-GLOBAL Customer Service
Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Japan time) (Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
*We provide inquiry response in the following four languages: Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

VIII. Cookie Policy

We maintain a separate Cookie Policy for this Website. See this page.

IX. Revisions to this policy

AOKI may review and revise the above handling methods at any time. When we implement revisions, we will notify customers by disclosure on the AOKI website, other appropriate public disclosure methods, or direct notification.
Enactment date: January 1, 2025